Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 26/04/1979
Address: School of Mathematics and Quantitative Economics,
Shandong University of Finance and Economics, 250014, Jinan, China
Mobile Phone: +86 13573169879
Email: suhua@sdufe.edu.cn, jnsuhua@163.com
Personal Web site:https://shuxue.sdufe.edu.cn/info/1067/1639.htm
Education Qualifications
PhD in Mathematics, Jun. 2008
School of Mathematical Sciences, Shandong University, China.
M. S. in Mathematics, Jul. 2005
School of Mathematical Sciences, Qufu Normal University, China.
B. S. in Mathematics, Jul. 2002
School of Mathematical Sciences, Qufu Normal University, China.
Employment History
Associate Professor (07/2008 –present),
Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China.
Visiting Scholar(09/2018 –08/2019),
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Supervisors for Higher Degree by Research students
Supervisor for Masters in Shandong University of Finance and Economics
Between 201109 and 201707, Hua Su studied as Postdoctoral Fellow in
School of economics, Shandong University
Between 201809 and 201908, Hua Su studied as Visiting Research Fellow in
Business and Law, Manchester Metropolitan University
Research Grants
1. Nonlinear functional analysis and boundary value problem of differential equations, National Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China (ZR2009AM004) ¥50000, 2009.1-2012.12
2. Nonlinear functional analysis and its application, the Project of Shandong
Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program(J13LI12) ¥50000, 2013.1-2014.12
3. Nonlinear functional analysis and its application for differential equations, the Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program (J16LI01) ¥55000, 2016.1-2019.12
4. Quantitative and qualitative research for entire explosive solutions of elliptic systems with gradient term, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China (ZR2010AM017), ¥60000, 2011.01-2013.12 (as one of the investigators)
5. Nonlinear functional analysis and applications in differential equations, National Natural Science Foundation of China (10771117), ¥320000,
2008.1-2010.12 (as one of the investigators)
6. Nonlinear functional analysis and its application in the existence of solution of differential equation, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (20060446001), ¥50000, 2007.1-2009.12 (as one of the investigators)
Editorial activity
★Member of the editorial board for Conference Papers in Science.
★Member of the editorial board for Congent Mathematics.
★Guest Editor of the Special Issue for the journal of Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
★Mathematical Reviews for the American mathematical society
List of Publications
1. Hua Su,Zhongli Wei,Fuyi Xu,The Existence of Positive Solutions for Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value System with p-Laplacian, Applied Mathematics and Computation,181 (2006) 826-836.
2. Hua Su,Baohe Wang,Zhongli Wei,Positive Solutions of Four-Point Boundary Value Problems for Four-order p-Laplacian dynamic equations on Time Scales,Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,78 (2006) 1-13.
3. Hua Su,Baohe Wang,The Existence of Positive Solution to a Class of Third-Order Two-Point Semipositone Boundary Value Problems and Applications, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 23,5(2006) 927-930.
4. Hua Su,Lishan Liu,The Solutions of Initial Value Problems For Nonlinear Second order Integro-Differential Equations of Mixed Type In Banach Spaces, Nonlinear Anaysis,66 (2007) 1025-1036.
5. Hua Su,Zhongli Wei,Baohe Wang,The Existence of Positive Solutions for a Nonlinear Four-Point Singular Boundary Value Problems with a p-Laplacian Operator, Nonlinear Anaysis,66 (2007) 2204-2214.
6. Hua Su,Zhongli Wei,Fuyi Xu,The Existence of Countably Many Positive Solutions for a System of Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problems with the p-Laplacian Operator, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 325 (2007)319-332.
7. Hua Su,Baohe Wang,Zhongli Wei,Positive Solutions of Four-Point Boundary Value problems for Higher-order p-Laplacian operator,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,330(2007)836-851.
8. Hua Su,Lishan Liu,Xiaoyan Zhang,Global Solutions of Initial Value Problems for Nonlinear Second-order Integro-Differential Equations of Mixed Type in Banach Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 330 (2007) 1139-1151.
9. Hua Su,Zhongli Wei,Xiaoyan Zhang,Jian Liu,Positive Solutions of n-Order and m-Order Multi-Point Singular Boundary Value System, Applied Mathematics and Computation,188 (2)(2007) 1234-1243.
10. Yanbin Sang,Hua Su,Several sufficient conditions of solvability for a nonlinear higher order three-point boundary value problem on time scales, Applied Mathematics and Computation,190 (2007) 566-575.
11. Hua Su,Positive Solutions of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems for n-order p-Laplacian operator, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations. 2 (2007) 132-138.
12. Yunming Zhou,Hua Su,Positive solutions of two-point boundary-value problems for higher-order with p-Laplacian operator, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 5 (2007) 1-14.
13. Hua Su,Yanbin Sang,Fuyi Xu, The Existence of Positive Solution to a Class of Semipositive Boundary Value Problems, Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata,9 (2007) 81-89.
14. Hua Su, Lishan Liu, Iterative Solution for Systems of a Class Abstract Operator Equations and Applications, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 27 A (3)(2007) 449-455.
15. Baohe Wang, Hua Su,The Existence of Positive Solutions for Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value System with p-Laplacian,Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science), 42 4(2007) 50-57.
16. Qinfu Sun,Hua Su,Shixia Luan,Higher-order dynamic delay differential equations on time scales,Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 1 ( 2007) 1361-1375
17. Fuyi xu, Hua Su, Xiaoyan Zhang,Positive Solutions of Fourth-order Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problems, Nonlinear Anaysis, 68 (5) (2008) 1284-1297.
18. Hua Su, Positive Solutions for p-Laplacian Dynamic Delay Differential Equations on Time Scales, International Journal of Evolution Equations, 3, 2 (2008) 157-179.
19. Hua Su, Zhongli Wei, Positive Solutions to Semipositone (k, n-k) Conjugate Eigenvalue Problems, Nonlinear Anaysis, 69(9)2008 3190-3201.
20. Hua Su, Positive Solutions for n-order m-point p-Laplacian Operator Singular Boundary Value Problems, Applied Mathematics and Computing, 199 (2008) 122-132.
21. Yanbin Sang,Hua Su,Several existence theorems of nonlinear m-point boundary value problem for p-Laplacian dynamic equations on time scales,Journal Applied Mathematics and Computation,340 (2008) 1012-1026.
22. Yanbin Sang,Hua S, Several existence theorems of nonlinear $m$-point BVP for an increasing homeomorphism and homomorphism on time scales,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,(2008) 1-12.
23. Hua Su, Solutions for Higher-Order Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, Applied Mathematics and Computation,200 (2008) 413–428.
24. Hua Su,Lishan Liu, Positive Solutions for Nonlinear Second-order Semipositone Boundary Value System, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications,71 (2009) 3240-3248.
25. Hua Su,Solutions for m-point BVP with sign changing nonlinearity,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,(2009) 1-13.
26. Hua Su, Positive Solutions for p-Laplacian Dynamic Delay Differential Equations on Time Scales, International Journal of Evolution Equations,4 (2009) 53-76.
27. Yanbin Sang, Hua Su, Positive solutions of nonlinear third-order m-point BVP for an increasing homeomorphism and homomorphism with sign-changing nonlinearity,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 225 1 (2009) 288-300.
28. Yanbin Sang, Hua Su, Fuyi Xu, Positive solutions of nonlinear m-point BVP for an increasinghomeomorphism and homomorphism with sign changing nonlinearity on time scales, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009) 216-226.
29. Yanbin Sang, Hua Su, Several sufficient conditions of solvability for a nonlinear higher-order three-point boundary value problem with all derivatives, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215 (2009) 1154-116
30. Shixia Luan, Hua Su,Qinfu Sun,Positive solutions to third-order two-point semipositone boundary value problems,Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, (2009)
31. Yanbin Sang, Hua Su, Positive solutions for nonlinear difference equations involving the p-Laplacian with sign changing nonlinearity, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 63 (2009) 1-8.
32. Hua Su,Eigenvalue Problems for Higher-Order p-Laplacian Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, Journal Applied Mathematics and Computing, 35 (2011) 379-394
33. Hua Su, XinjunWang,Positive solutions to singular semipositone m-point n-order boundary value problems Journal Applied Mathematics and Computing, 36 (2011) 187-200
34. Hua Su,Lishan Liu,Xinjun Wang,Sturm-Liouville BVP in Banach space, Advances in Difference Equations, 65 (2011) 1-12
35. Hua Su,Lishan Liu,Xinjun Wang,Solutions for p-Laplacian Dynamic Delay Differential Equations on Time Scales, Journal of Applied Mathematics(AFP),Article ID 652465, (2012) 1-23
36. Jian Liu, Hua Su, Shuli Wang,On six solutions for m-point differential equations system with two coupled parallel sub-super solutions , Journal of Applied Mathematics,Article ID 359251, (2012) 1-15
37. Hua Su,Lishan Liu,Xinjun Wang,Higher-order dynamic delay differential equations on time scales, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID 939162, (2012) 1-19
38. Hua Su,Lishan Liu,Yonghong Wu,Positive Solutions for Sturm-Liouville Boundary Value Problems in a Banach Space,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Article ID 572172,(2012) 1-11
39. Wanfang Shen, Hua Su, Adaptive Finite Element Method for Optimal Control Problem Governed by Linear Quasiparabolic Integrodifferential Equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis ,Article ID 808514, (2012) 1-26
40. Hua Su,The Solutions of Mixed Monotone Fredholm-Type Integral Equations in Banach Spaces,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, (2013) 1-9 (SCI)
41. Hua Su,Nonlinear Functional Difference Equations with Applications, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, (2013) 1-2
42. Shixia Luan, Hua Su,Positive Solutions To Nonlinear Semipositone Boundary Value Problems,International Journal of Latest Research In Engineering and Computing (IJLREC), 2 (2013) 15-22
43. Xinguang Zhang, CuilingMao, Yonghong Wu, Hua Su,Positive Solutions of a Singular Nonlocal Fractional Order Differential System via Schauder’s Fixed Point Theorem, Abstract and Applied Analysis,Article ID 457965, (2014) 1-26
44. Hua Su,Lishanliu, The Existence and Nonexistence of Positive Solutions for Second Order Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem , Acta Mathematica Sinica, 57(6)(2014):1241-1248.
45. Hua Su,Lishanliu, The Solutions for Esmipositone (k,n-k) Conjugate Boundary Value Problems,Acta Mathematica Sinica, 58(2)(2015):261-270.
46. Hua Su,Qiuju Tuo,Positive solutions for Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems,J.Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 9 (2016) 219-230
47. Hua Su,Xinjun Wang,Positive solutions for m-point boundary value problem,J.Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 9 (2016) 1193-1201
48. Xinguang Zhang,Yonghong Wu, Lishan Liu,Hua Su, Recent Development on Nonlinear Methods in Function Spaces and Applications in Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations,Journal of Function Spaces,2017
49. Hua Su, Iterative solution for systems of a class abstract operator equations in Banach spaces and application, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020
50. Minhang Liu, Hua Su, Differential Equation Models for Education Charges of Universities in China and the Applications, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020
51. Hua Su,Three-Order Multipoint Boundary Value Problems for p-Laplacian Operator on Time Scales , Journal of Function Spaces, 2020
52. Hua Su,Yongqing,wang,Jiafa Xu, Nontrivial solutions for a system of second-order discrete boundary value problems,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2020
53. Hua Su,Jiafa Xu, Yongqing,wang,Infinitely many high energy solutions for the generalized Chern-Simons-Schrodinger system,Journal of Function Spaces, 2020