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王舒鸿(1986-),教授,博导,博士后合作导师,山东省泰山学者青年专家,密歇根大学访问学者,2022年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。长期以来,主要致力于贸易与环境、生物多样性、气候变化与经济不平等等领域的教学、科研与实践应用等工作。主持国家社科重点项目、国家自然科学基金、教育部社科基金等国家级、省部级项目十余项。获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖、山东省社会科学优秀成果奖等省部级奖励多项。在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、OmegaIJPEIJPRJEM以及Energy Economics等期刊发表学术文章80余篇,其中SSCI/SCI论文48篇,高被引5篇。出版著作2部。







2021.07-至今, jbo竞博官网,海洋经济与管理研究院,教授,博士生导师;





[1]王舒鸿,李蒸蒸,周远翔,宋马林. 2022.透明海洋驱动下的蓝色资源与经济发展[M],经济科学出版社.

[2]王舒鸿,宋马林. 2020.中国环境经济发展研究报告2019:助力蓝色经济发展[M].科学出版社.

[3]Wang Shuhong, Tian Wenqian, Lu Binbin. 2023.Impact of capital investment and industrial structure optimization from the perspective of "resource curse": Evidence from developing countries. Resources Policy.

[4]Wang Shuhong, Yi Xiaojing, Song Malin. 2022. The interrelationship of air quality, investor sentiment, and stock market liquidity: a review of China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 117, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02513-1

[5]Wang Shuhong, Wang Xiaoqing, Chen Suisui. 2022. Global value chains and carbon emission reduction in developing countries: Does industrial upgrading matter?Environmental Impact Assessment Review 97: 1-14.

[6]Wang Shuhong, Li Weiyao, Xing Lu. 2022. Review on Marine Economics and Management:How to Exploit the Ocean Well. Water, 14, 2626. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14172626

[7]Wang Shuhong*, Wang Huike. 2022. Factor market distortion, technological innovation, and environmental pollution.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21940-1

[8]Wang Shuhong, He Yuqing, & Chen, Hanxue. 2022. Can raising trade barriers curb industrial pollution emissions?Energy & Environment. DOI: 10.1177/0958305X221109606

[9]Wang, Shuhong, Chen, Hanxue. 2022. Could Chinese Enterprises Real Benefit from Embedding in Global Value Chains? Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02348-w

[10]Wang, Shuhong, Yi, Xiaojing. 2022. Can the financial industry ‘Anchor’ carbon emission reductions? The mediating and moderating effects of the technology market. Energy & Environment, 0958305X211061810.

[11]Wang, Shuhong, Wang, Xiaoqing, Lu Binbin. 2022. Is Resource Abundance a Curse for Green Economic Growth? Evidence from Developing Countries. Resources Policy, 75, 102533: 1-35.

[12]Wang, Shuhong, Chen Hanxue, YinKedong*.2021.The employment effect of Chinese industrial enterprises embedded in environmental cost-adjusted global value chains. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,DOI:10.1007/S11356-021-17118-W. [SSCI]

[13]Wang, Shuhong, Lei Liang*, Xing Lu. Urban circular economy performance evaluation: A novel fully fuzzy data envelopment analysis with large datasets. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 324, 129214. [SSCI]

[14]Wang Shuhong, Binbin Lu, Yin Kedong*. Financial development, productivity, and high-quality development of the marine economy. Marine Policy, 2021, 130, 104553. [SSCI]

[15]Wang Shuhong, Chen Suisui, Zhang Hongyan*. Effect of income and energy efficiency on natural capital demand. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(33):45402-45413. [SSCI]

[16]Wang Shuhong, Chen Suisui, Zhang Hongyan*, Song Malin. The Model of Early Warning for China's Marine Ecology-Economy Symbiosis Security. Marine Policy, 2021, 128, 104476. [SSCI]

[17]Wang Shuhong, Sun Xiaoli, Song Malin*. Environmental regulation, resource misallocation, and ecological efficiency. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 2021, 57:611–630. [SSCI]

[18]Wang Shuhong, Li Zhengzheng, Zhang Hongyan*. Does female labor share reduce embodied carbon in trade? Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021, 28(7): 8246-8257. [SSCI]

[19]Wang Shuhong, Tang Yun, Song Malin*. Export Trade, Embodied Carbon Emissions, and Environmental Pollution: An Empirical Analysis of China’s High and New Tech Industries. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 276, 110371. [SSCI]

[20]Wang Shuhong*, Sun Xiaoli. The global system‐ranking efficiency model and calculating examples with consideration of the nonhomogeneity of decision‐making units. Expert Systems. 2020, 37(4): e12272. [SSCI]

[21]Wang Shuhong, He Yuqing, Song Malin*. Global value chains, technological progress, and environmental pollution: Inequality towards developing countries. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 277, 110999. [SSCI]

[22]Wang Shuhong, Zhao Danqing, Chen Hanxue*. A Spatial Analysis of Corruption, Misallocation, and Efficiency. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(29): 36845-36856. [SSCI]

[23]Wang Shuhong, Wang Xiaoqing, Tang Yun*. Drivers of carbon emission transfer in China-An analysis of international trade from 2004 to 2011. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 709, 135924. [SSCI]

[24]Wang Shuhong, Zhao Danqing, Chen Hanxue*. Government corruption, resource misallocation, and ecological efficiency. Energy Economics, 2020, 85, 104573. [SSCI]

[25]Wang Shuhong, Song Malin*, Yu. Tao. Hidden carbon emissions, industrial clusters, and structure optimization in China. Computational Economics, 2019, 54(4): 1319-1342. [SSCI]

[26]Wang Shuhong, Li Zhengzheng, Song Malin*. 2019. How embodied carbon in trade affects labor income in developing countries. Science of the Total Environment, 672: 71-80.[SSCI]

[27]Wang Shuhong, Chen Mei, Song Malin*. Energy constraints, green technological progress, and business profit ratios: Evidence from big data of Chinese enterprises. International Journal of Production Research.2018, 56(8): 2963-2974. [SSCI]

[28]Wang Shuhong, Yu Hui, Song Malin*. Assessing the efficiency of environmental regulations of large-scale enterprises based on extended fuzzy data envelopment analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(2): 463-479. [SSCI]

[29]Wang Shuhong, Wang Yanchao, Song Malin*. Construction and analogue simulation of TERE model for measuring marine bearing capacity in Qingdao. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 167: 1303-1313. [SSCI]

[30]Wang Shuhong, Song Malin*. Influences of reverse outsourcing on green technological progress from the perspective of a global supply chain. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 595: 201-208. [SSCI]

[31]Wang Shuhong, Malin Song*. Review of hidden carbon emissions, trade, and labor income share in China, 2001–2011. Energy Policy, 2014, 74: 395-405. [SSCI]

[32]Jiandong Chen , Ming Gao, Shulei Cheng, Yiyin Xu, Malin Song, Yu Liu, Wenxuan Hou,Shuhong Wang. 2022.Evaluation and drivers of global low-carbon economies based on satellite data. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, DOI:org/10.1057/s41599-022-01171-y.

[33]Chen Suisui, Zhang Hongyan,Wang Shuhong*. 2022. Impact of economic growth and industrial structure distortion on energy intensity in China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 179,121608

[34]Zhang Hongyan, Chen Suisui,Wang Shuhong*. 2022. Impact of economic growth and labor productivity dispersion on energy intensity in China. Energy, 242, 123004: 1-10.

[35]Lv Xiaodong, Li, Angfei,Wang Shuhong*, Zhang Tao. 2022. Building a demandoriented optimal model for the recycling of used electronic products. Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02287-6

[36]Zhang Ying,Wang, Shuhong*.2021.Influence of marine industrial agglomeration and environmental regulation on marine innovation efficiency-From an innovation value chain perspective. Marine Policy, 134, 104807. [SSCI]

[37]Song Malin, Qianjiao Xie,Wang Shuhong*. Zhou Li. Intensity of Environmental Regulation and Environmentally Biased Technology in the Employment Market. Omega-International Journal of Management Science,2021, 102201. [SSCI]

[38]Yi Xiaojing, Sheng Kun, WangYuanyue,Wang Shuhong*.2021.Can economic development alleviate storm surge disaster losses in coastal areas of China?. Marine Policy, 104531. [SSCI]

[39]Song Malin, Wang Qianying,Wang Shuhong*, Zhou Li. Specialization and Diversification of the Marine Industry and Marine Economic Growth: An Example from Chinese Coastal Areas. Journal of Coastal Research, 2021, 37(1): 203-215. [SSCI]

[40]Yi Xiaojing, Sheng Kun, Yu Tao, WangYuanyue,Wang Shuhong*. R&D investment and financing efficiency in Chinese environmental protection enterprises. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications,2020. [SSCI]

[41]Sun Yuhuan, Du Juntao,Wang Shuhong*. Environmental regulations, enterprise productivity, and green technological progress: large-scale data analysis in China. Annals of Operations Research, 2020, 290(1-2): 369-384. [SSCI]

[42]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*, Zhang Hongyan. Could environmental regulation and R&D tax incentives affect green product innovation? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 258, 120849. [SSCI]

[43]Song Malin, Cao Shaopeng,Wang Shuhong*. The impact of knowledge trade on sustainable development and environment-biased technical progress. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2019, 144: 512-523. [SSCI]

[44]Song Malin, Cui Xin,Wang Shuhong*. Simulation of land green supply chain based on system dynamics and policy optimization. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 217: 317-327. [SSCI]

[45]Song Malin, Zhu Shuai, Wang Jing,Wang Shuhong*. China’s natural resource balance sheet from the perspective of government oversight: Based on the analysis of governance and accounting attributes. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 248: 1-16. [SSCI]

[46]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*, Tomas, B. Biased Policy, Human Capital Distribution and Green Technical Progress. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 2019, 53: 247.264. [SSCI]

[47]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*, Lei Liang, Zhou Li. Environmental efficiency and policy change in China: A new meta-frontier non-radial angle efficiency evaluation approach. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 121: 281-289. [SSCI]

[48]Song Malin, Wang Jing,Wang Shuhong*, Zhao Danqing. Knowledge accumulation, development potential and efficiency evaluation: an example using the Hainan free trade zone. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2019, 23(9): 1673-1690. [SSCI]

[49]Song Malin, Chen Mei,Wang Shuhong*. Global supply chain integration, financing restrictions, and green innovation: Analysis based on 222,773 samples. International Journal of Logistics Management, 2018, 29(2): 539-554. [SSCI]

[50]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*, Wu Kaiya. Environment-biased technological progress and industrial land use efficiency in China’s new normal. Annals of Operations Research, 2018, 268(1-2): 425-440. [SSCI]

[51]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*, Sun Jing. Environmental regulations, staff quality, green technology, R&D efficiency, and profit in manufacturing. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2018, 133: 1-14. [SSCI]

[52]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*. Effects of outward migration of factory for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city circle. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2018, 31(6): 513-522. [SSCI]

[53]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*. Market competition, green technology progress and comparative advantages in China. Management Decision, 2018, 56(1): 188-203. [SSCI]

[54]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*. Measuring Environment-Biased Technological Progress Considering Energy Saving and Emission Reduction. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018, 116: 745-753. [SSCI]

[55]Song Malin, Wanping Zheng,Wang Shuhong*. Measuring Green Technology Progress in Large-scale Thermoelectric Enterprises based on Malmquist-Luenberger Life Cycle Assessment. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2017, 122: 261-269. [SSCI]

[56]Cao Bingru,Wang Shuhong*. Opening up, international trade, and green technology progress in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142, 1002-1012. [SSCI]

[57]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*. Participation in global value chain and green technology progress: evidence from big data of Chinese enterprises. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(2): 1648-1661. [SSCI]

[58]Song Malin,Wang Shuhong*. Can employment structure promote environment-biased technical progress? Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2016, 112: 285-292. [SSCI]

[59]Cao Bingru, Fu Kunpeng, Tao Jun,Wang Shuhong*. GMM-based Research on Environmental pollution and population migration in Anhui Province, China. Ecological Indicators, 2015, 51: 159-164. [SSCI]

[60]宋马林,王舒鸿. 2013.环境规制,技术进步与经济增长.经济研究,3:122-134.[CSSCI, NSFC-A]

[61]宋马林,王舒鸿*,邱兴业.一种考虑整数约束的环境效率评价MOISBESE模型[J].管理科学学报, 2014, 17(11): 69-78. [CSSCI, NSFC-A]

[62]宋马林,王舒鸿. 2011.环境库兹涅茨曲线的中国“拐点”:基于分省数据的实证分析.管理世界,10: 168-169.[CSSCI, NSFC-A]

[63]王舒鸿. 2012. FDI、劳动异质性与我国劳动收入份额.财经研究, 4: 59-68.[CSSCI]

[64]王舒鸿. 2012.垂直专业化对我国制造业劳动收入份额变化的影响研究.世界经济文汇, 2: 28-42.[CSSCI]

[65]王舒鸿. 2012.开放条件下我国最优就业结构的经验研究.国际贸易问题, 3: 3-13.[CSSCI]

[66]王舒鸿,宋马林. 2014.后危机时代外商直接投资趋势变化的统计分析.中央财经大学学报,11: 84-93.[CSSCI]

[67]王舒鸿,宋马林,吴杰. 2011. DEA模型的扩展及其在经济预测中的应用.中央财经大学学报, 6: 56-60.[CSSCI]

[68]王舒鸿,邢璐,陈穗穗. 2023.高水平对外开放与生物多样性安全:现状、问题及展望.北方论丛, 1: 88-108.

[69]王舒鸿,陈汉雪,黄冲,郭宏博. 2022.海洋强国战略目标下海洋经济统计核算的综述.北方论丛, 1: 115-125.

[70]王舒鸿,卢彬彬. 2021.海洋资源约束与海洋经济增长—基于中美经验的比较.中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版), 5: 39-49.

[71]王舒鸿,袁征. 2020.海洋资源资产负债表的编制问题初探.中国环境管理, 6: 61-67.

[72]王舒鸿,郭越,李逸超,宋马林. 2019.城市海岸带环境管理模式优化研究——以青岛市胶州湾为例.中国环境管理, 9: 69-75+79.

[73]王舒鸿,王小青. 2019.贸易自由化还是污染自由化?——我国环境污染的地区效应分析.中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版), 7: 96-103.

[74]王舒鸿,崔欣,姚守宇. 2018.统计相关还是真实因果?——基于“因果推断”的新兴研究范式.金融与经济,9: 21-30.

[75]王舒鸿,孙晓丽. 2018.海洋产业现代化、经济发展与生态保护.中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版),7: 15-26.

[76]王舒鸿,崔欣,宋马林. 2017.大数据在环境技术进步中的应用.中国环境管理,4: 21-24+79.

[77]王舒鸿,赵志博. 2016.基于三阶段DEA的环保行业上市公司效率评价.中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版), 5: 78-84.

[78]宋马林,王舒鸿,汝慧萍;张廷海. 2010.中国新兴生物企业的生产效率及其不确定性——基于DEA和神经网络模拟的面板数据分析.科学学与科学技术管理, 10: 131-137.[CSSCI, NSFC-A]

[79]宋马林,王舒鸿,汝慧萍. 2010.一种新的考虑时间和空间的相关系数及其算例.数量经济技术经济研究, 7: 142-152.[CSSCI, NSFC-A]

[80]宋马林,王舒鸿,汝慧萍,王刚. 2010.基于省际面板数据的FDI绿色创新能力统计分析.中国软科学, 5: 143-151.[CSSCI, NSFC-A]






















[4]Omega杂志年度最佳论文奖Best Paper Award (2021)


[6]山东省高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖(1/2)(2015; 2018)

[7]青岛市社会科学优秀成果二等奖(1/2)(2019);三等奖(1/2) (2016; 2020; 2021)















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